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Psychedelic Sheep
Artisan Studio

There is a science to the Arts, and an art to the Sciences,
Thus Art is a science, and Science is an art.

First conceived as the dream Animation Studio name that Jacob Robert Ledesma, created to give the pseudo feel of professionalism; after all it took 4-5 years from its initial conception before finding its way onto the Internet; evolving from a simple animation logo into an Artistic Showcase, Collective, and Resource Database. What once was used inadequately to portray a substandard portfolio, and so that Jacob could imagine their studio name alongside other top names in Animation, is now the influence they wish to have in the world.

A Scientific and Artistic exploration of new potentials.

This Expansion occurred for two main reasons;

First off, Jacob realized that they are not a single disciplinary artisan, and trying to portray themself as one for individual prospects, wasn't getting them far into the Industry, as they did not have a degree showing they knew Industry standards. As a self-trained artisan, who had the pleasure of becoming an I.A.T.S.E. union member, they realized two things:

A} they did Every and Any job in the support of any given project and,

B} they specialized at one particular role to help every other worker bring the project fruition and success.

Aspects of Generalization and Specialization that fueled their independent research and study; and, from their experience in various industries, is the basis of successful collaboration.

Secondly, they realized they were not a Scientist, well at least not one that was ok with having other minds tell them what was worth studying. They also realized they were not an Artist, well at least not one that you could look at my work and say, "Well they are this ______ type of artist".

They realized the most beautiful thing, from failing both worlds. They were simply Both.

This ideal they retaught themself. It was never taught by education and was never explained by another mind.

From the study into the personal reflection of their own Journey; painful, chaotic, and quite often lonely in spirit and mind; they had learned something far greater.

They were not alone.

In fact, everyone is born both a Scientist and an Artist!

Psychedelic Sheep Artisan Studio grew to address those two major realizations.

First by hosting Artisan Profiles, Lessons, and links to Personal and Collaborative Works of Art .

Secondly by offering as much free art and free resources as possible to teach others the simple truth Jacob only learned through failure.

"Art by itself is meaningless, Science by itself is intangible.

Symbiotic, neither one can truly exist without the other.”

Throughout everything you will find here the Public Service mission Arts and Science is simple:

Through the Passion of Individual Artistic and Scientific endeavors, Psychedelic Sheep Artisan Studio (PSArtS) seeks to reteach the world how to be the Artist and Scientist that they have always been.

About: Bio

P. S. Art Services


Print-on-Demand items fulfilled by Printful

  • Apparel

  • Wall Art

  • Stickers

  • Mugs

  • Home Accessories

Art Class


Directory of Artists giving one an easy

view of all services they offer.

Number of artisans: 1


Archive of all Free-to-View projects

created by or collaborated with PS-ArtS Studio.

Tickets for Premiere Showings and physical copies of your favorite projects can be picked up in the store

as they become available.

Your support helps to keep PS-ArtS projects Free-to-View for all to enjoy.

Crafting Desk


Art lessons created by PSArtisans, explaining theories and instructions on the nature of their crafts to act as informational support for others to gain knowledge.


Websites and Downloadable Files to support
fellow and growing artisans.

Storage containers for art and craft
About: Files
ps logo color.png
About: Image
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